Addicted to something you have to eat to stay alive? Can you really be addicted to food? Well, researchers say yes! If you were to scan the brain of a food addict who is thinking about food, the scan results will show changes nearly identical to that of a drug addict or alcoholic thinking about drinking or drugs. Usually, the food considered by the food addict is calorie dense such as chocolate cake, pizza and ice cream, or pasta with sauce just to name a few.
Another similarity is that food addicts like drug addicts, and alcoholics, have fewer receptors for dopamine, the feel-good hormone. Perhaps in order to feel good, people addicted to food will eat more so as to reach the same state as normal people.
Eating too much leads to the brain over emphasizing the sensation and pleasure of eating by decreasing the awareness of other body parts than the mouth. Food addicts often go through similar withdrawal symptoms like drug addicts. The symptoms include depression, anger, moodiness, and irritability.
Addiction to food can be controlled. If you’re not addicted the tips below can help you lose weight.Writing down in your journal what you eat and how you feel when you eat can help you pinpoint danger areas. Keeping track of what you’ve eaten each day will indicate just how much of your life is controlled by food.
It’s important to know your personal triggers. Some foods are triggers to out of control eating and once you realize what they are you should avoid them. These triggers can also include events, such as holidays, and people. If someone irritates you and your reaction is to eat, it’s best to avoid that person when possible.
Focus on the right kind of food for you. The idea is to focus on foods that you sincerely enjoy and that are good for you, not just on filling up your stomach with whatever is at hand. People who are addicted to food in some ways have it harder than other addicts, they can’t just give up food.
It’s good to eat slowly. You should use small plates. Put your fork down between bites. Have multiple courses rather than everything on the table or on your plate at once. Drink water between bites. Take at least 30 minutes to eat your meals.
You can also join a support group. Those people who are facing the same challenges as you can provide the positive support you need. Just knowing that you are not alone can boost your morale.
Never give up! First efforts at controlling food consumption might not be successful, but your continuous efforts will eventually pay off. See the positive progress you’ve made rather than the backsliding.
Food Addiction Can Be Dangerous
If you are really addicted to food we open ourselves to the possibility of eating what is really not healthy, foods that totally work against you. There are far too many processed foods at the nearby supermarket and restaurants. We provide a service that can effectively help to manage your food intake so that you keep healthy. Click the link below to find out what it is.